
Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Regularly scheduled lunch groups, supper clubs, parish dinner events and musical concerts allow our parishioners to form close relationships with one another. Interest groups meet during the week to play bridge or to discuss the latest best seller. On Sundays, many people follow worship with a cup of coffee and a visit to the donut table. Young or young at heart, there someone to connect to at St. Paul’s.

CLASP (Church Ladies at St. Paul’s

CLASP is a ministry of connection which offers fellowship opportunities for ALL women. CLASP Members take turns planning a monthly outing or event. Some team up with two or three …

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Coffee Hour

Everyone is welcome to the Undercroft after our Sunday morning worship services to enjoy a donut, cup of coffee and fellowship! Coffee Hour is organized by our Fellowship and Community …

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​Fish Fry

St. Paul’s hosts 3 Fish Fries during the Lenten season each year, benefitting the church’s Outreach activities. We offer eat-in and take-out meals, and a wide variety of sides, desserts, …

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​Beer and Hymns

There is a grand tradition within the Christian church of bringing together hymn-singing and pub culture. Join us for this modern-day celebration of community, hymns, beer, and fun! We typically …

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​LGBTQ+ Fellowship

Throughout the year, St. Paul’s hosts fun, casual potluck meals for LGBTQ+ parishioners, their families, and friends to gather and connect. Follow the announcements on our website and email to …

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Claudia Circle

The women in Claudia Circle meet on the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the church Lounge and hosts a variety of program speakers. Claudia Circle provides …

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Newcomers’ Receptions

Periodically throughout the year we offer newcomers a chance to socialize over a light brunch, while getting to know the people and programs of St. Paul’s.

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Pickwick Boys (Men’s Lunch)

This is a “chat and chew” group of mostly retired men who meet for lunch on the third Thursday of the month. Diners take turns choosing the restaurant. New members …

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